Despite it still being quite a while until your Halloween fancy dress party, there is still a way to get involved with some pumpkin crafts if your kids are mithering you and want to get cracking already.

You can't yet do the traditional pumpkin carving to place a tealight inside, as the vegetable will have gone off by October 31st. However, what you can do is bling up some smaller ones.

Design guru Martha Stewart recommends creating some small decorative pumpkins that can be used around the home and will last for ages.

First, you will need a few small-sized varieties of the vegetable, coloured glitter and some PVA glue. Coat the pumpkins all over with the glue and then sprinkle liberal amounts of the glitter all over.

Leave them to dry for about an hour, paint the stems with brown acrylic paint and voila! You have decorations that will last for months.

You could even let the kids wear pumpkin fancy dress if you want to really embrace the spirit of the season.

