Deadpool Goes To The Movies!

DEADPOOL-BLOG-POST-MAIN-IMAGE2 If you didn't know, Marvel’s Deadpool is going to be released in cinemas across the UK on the February 10th. If you’re planning on dressing up at the premiere or are a Deadpool superfan, make sure you stand out from the crowd! We have come up with a series of different Deadpool costumes, that will definitely get you noticed! As Deadpool would have you believe, you can have multiple everything! Multiple passions, multiple personalities… So, why not combine two movie loves into one? Here are some unique costume ideas to wow your friends. Below we have concocted THREE comic book looks sure to wow any sci-fi loving fan!

Deadpool is the new black!


Dangerous female prisoners +  Deadpool = a pretty screwed Deadpool. We don’t think he’d last one day in Litchfield against Piper, Alex and the ladies. If you’re all about Netflix and Chill, may we suggest; Netflix and Kill? It’s a shame orange and red clash so terribly…



The 4th Wall Awakens!

JEDI+DEADPOOL2 Jedi + Deadpool = Jedipool (?!) As Deadpool himself has said on posters following the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens: “You’ve had your Christmas present, now get ready for Valentine’s Day.” He may not be able to use the Jedi mind trick against his enemies, but he has some pretty killer insults that will work just as well against the Dark Side. If you want to combine the two biggest films of 2015 and 2016 – now is the time.   DEADPOOL-STARWARS-POSTER2  

The Merch With The Meth-od

BREAKING-BAD+DEADPOOL2 Breaking Bad + Deapdool = The Merc With The Meth-od Walter White and Wade Wilson; almost seems made in heaven to combine these two costumes! Both of them have incurable cancer, both are pretty badass, and both have a penchant for witty one-liners. True, Deadpool may have superhuman healing abilities, but can he make meth blue?! Didn’t think so! Win all the costume competitions with this W.W. themed costume.   DEADPOOL-BREAKING-BAD-POSTER2

Tweet us what you would like to see Deadpool dressed up as!
