A fast food chain in the US which specialises in chicken has offered free meals to customers in cow fancy dress later this week.

Chick-fil-A has launched Cow Appreciation Day for July 9th 2010, with anyone in bovine outfits set to score a free combo meal in outlets across the whole country.

Anyone who is a little bit too shy to go fully-clothed as a Fresian or Hereford can get a complimentary entree if they go "dressed in partial cow attire".

It's all part of the chain's jokey ad campaign which features a cow character encouraging people to eat more chicken - but it sounds like udder madness if you ask us.

This comes after state officials in Nevada tried to ban people from turning up to vote in chicken fancy dress costumes back in May this year.

The voters were trying to make a point about healthcare, but it certainly ruffled a few feathers.
