People of a nervous disposition may wish to avoid them, but photographs have been released of the Loose Women in fun fancy dress to drum up votes for the National Television Awards.

According to the Mirror, they are up for best topical magazine show and decided to get in costume to generate a little extra publicity.

Carol McGiffin wore a Lady Gaga costume similar to the one the pop star wore in her Telephone video, while Coleen Nolan became Vicky Pollard.

Meanwhile, Denise Welch did her best to emulate Cheryl Cole and Sherrie Hewson wore Queen Elizabeth fancy dress.

"I was nervous putting on the fishnets and the Lycra shorts but I think I got away with it," said Carol.

However, she may not be aware that Alan Carr did exactly the same thing for Heat magazine last year. Indeed, he looked rather fetching in crime scene tape and calf-high boots!
