red-nose-day-2017 If you’re wondering when is Red Nose Day is, it’s on the 24th of February this year! The theme for this year is to ‘make your laugh matter’. Comic Relief started with the idea of ‘laughing in the face of tragedy’ and this year they want you to use the language of jokes to tell stories by fundraising through fun and creative ways. So get your red noses at the ready and find a fundraising buddy! 

Flying Pig


Flying Pig Costume

  Hold a competition with your friends or work colleagues as to who can tell the most spectacular lie and have people guess if it’s true or not. They have to pay up if they guess incorrectly. Don't forget to add a red nose!

French Kiss

french kiss costume

Frenchman Set With Shirt, Peter Criss Kiss Makeup


Why not dress up as the french versions of the band members of Kiss and hold a rock karaoke party. However, strictly no rock n roll until everyone's donated!

Kevin Bacon


Get Real Bacon Costume

This costume is bound to get chuckles from your friends and family. It's such a simple pun that anyone will get. Wear this on a sponsored run and leave everyone in fits of laughter while you sizzle your way to the finish line.  

Dunkin’ Doughnut


Get Real Doughnut

Dress as a Dunkin' Doughnut this Red Nose Day and watch people's facial expressions go from confused to AH-HA! You could even take part in a sponsored game of basketball.

Social Media Butterfly


Butterfly Queen

If you LOVE social media and have your phone at your finger-tips at all times, why not dress up as a social (media) butterfly? This costume is easy to make as you'd only need to choose your buttery wings or costume and print out social media logos to stick on to your outfit. Who knows, you might even gain some followers from it...

Identity Theft


Prisoner Man Costume

Now, we do not condone stealing people's credit card details to make charitable donations, however, why not dress up and ask your employer to match every donation you're given, pound for pound? Each name tag on your outfit can written on by a those who give a donation. This costume is interactive and hilarious!

We are sure these pun costumes have got your pun gun all warmed up and thinking of other witty outfits. Just don't forget to purchase a red nose to complete your look. Get yours at
