You're right, the days are getting shorter, but that's no reason to feel down! For some of us here, it's the beginning of a magical time of year and here’s why we hope you’ll agree:
Now that it’s a bit crisper outside and BBQs are no longer an option (be honest, who’s really going to miss the occasional burnt-on-the-outside-raw-on-the-inside chicken surprise?), friends tend to turn their talents to any old excuse for a house party.
Any chance for a little dress-up is a tick in our books, there are a ton of themes to call on for a decent spot of fancy dress, plus everyone’s got a friend called Dave who they secretly can’t wait to see dressed as Pamela Anderson. 2. RAIDERS OF THE LOST WARDROBE
Sure, it was nice to get the chance to bear a little skin over the Summer months but those flip-flops were starting to chafe and that crop top just hasn’t been the same since that ketchup stain… Now you've got a perfect excuse to take look at the state of your closet, bring up the out-of-date and get rid of some big mistakes! We all have that one scarf that your relative thinks you actually love but what about a fierce Animal Onesie for when the nights start to get chillier?
Cold, breezy days in the middle of what’s supposed to be a hot, balmy August are nothing less than a bitter disappointment. However, a freakishly hot day in October is a welcome visit from a long lost friend that finds us considering lunch breaks in the park and opening the office window despite the radiators still being on. Incidentally, the term ‘Indian Summer’ doesn’t actually have anything to do with India itself as a country. There are theories on it being about when Native Americans would hunt late in the year, out of season, whereas the word ‘indian’ was used in distant history simply to describe something unusual or alien.
There are so many great ideas for bringing home the horror to your family and friends, but if you're going to get them screaming then make sure you look the part: http://youtu.be/1PQS_LrN1-g
Rather than admit to being at the mercy of the corporate brands, you can’t help but notice when the high street coffee shops start pushing out the pumpkin spiced lattes - it means pumpkin pie is just around the corner as is… HALLOWEEN! Carving is an art-form and now you can get the practice in before the big night, in all its frightfest glory!