A couple livened up their nuptials recently by getting married in fun fancy dress.

Hazel Edmondson and Rodney Elphick had been together 12 years and knew they didn't want a big white wedding. So, they sent out invitations to their friends and family and pretended they were having a costumed birthday bash, Tweed News reports.

Everyone was told to dress up in something from the 1970s or 1980s and it was only when they got to the Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club on Saturday (December 11th 2010) that the real plan was revealed.

Hazel said she was a bit startled when she found out her future husband intended to wear Frank N Further fancy dress from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but admitted it worked out well in the end.

"He stayed in his high heels much longer than me," she laughed.

"It was such a fun night and just the kind of wedding we wanted," added Rodney.

In August 2010, the Daily Mail revealed that Sharon and Neil Vaughan from Devon got married in superhero fancy dress.
