Escapade at MCM ComiCon

mcm blog The 2015 London MCM Comic-Con is fast approaching,  set to take place from the 22nd to the 24th of May, The ExCel Centre will play host to the madhouse and wealth of activity that is Comic-Con. Home to the truly nerdy and the nerd-curious alike, Comic-Con boasts a wealth of immaculately dressed cosplayers, celebrity meet and greets,  panel discussions, video game demo’s and stalls selling comics, clothes, collectibles and more! It’s no secret that here at Escapade we have a penchant for all things geeky, so we are absolutely thrilled to announce that we will be setting up shop at MCM, selling some of our most popular costumes as well as some exclusives! To further add to the excitement, we are very pleased to say, that joining us will be the gorgeous Miss Stacey Rebecca Stacey is self-confessed nerd, a model and a fabulous cosplayer. She is recognised as one of the best in the country and will be with us all day on Saturday. Come join us at the Escapade stall for your chance to meet her and feature in our exclusive video!
