After a rip roaring sold out 6th birthday party, Guilty Pleasures returns on October 30th to howl at the moon for a harrowing Bat Out of Hell Halloween Ball. AWOOOOO! The regular ghouls, goblins and God-knows-whats that traipse up and down Camden High Street will be one of the many instead of the few on this, the pinnacle date in the creepy calendar. (Not an actual calendar, but go with it). But a crap scream mask off the market doth not a Guilty Pleasures make. Hell no. We are veterans of horror pop spectacles having brought sold out Halloween parties to the capital for the last five years and we have the formula from Dr Jekyll’s lab for the biggest party in town. Having turned away hundreds from our door last year (true facts) it’s London’s number one spot for a Halloween showdown. Our dazzling cast of djs, dancers and performers will take to the KOKO stage to give you a blood-curdling ball of monster pop. Featuring the treacherous talents of: SEAN “DRACULA’ ROWLEY ANNA “SHEWOLF’ GREENWOOD PRINCE ‘ZOMBIE’ NELLY ‘GHOSTLY’ HOT GUSSET “SPOOKY’ SINGSTAR PLUS SPECIAL SUPERNATURAL GUESTS. The creaking attic of our haunted house of horror will feature power ballads and torch songs for Frankenstein and his monstress to make out to. Singstar reside in the middle room, where shrieking spirits step up to the mic and see if they can belt out a graveyard smash. The main stage in our fright fest will be a cauldron of heart pounding pop where witches, warlocks, she-devils and general harridans will run amok dancing beneath the silvery moon (or mirror ball. Again, go with it). Advance tickets sell out in a puff of smoke, so early booking is essential. There will be limited tickets held on the door, but we only want the best dressed ghouls at our gathering, so don’t hold back on the costume! It’s not rocket science. It’s certainly not profound or high art. It’s simply ridiculously good fun. And when you’re dressed as some hideous beast with a load of fake blood running down your limbs and the witching hour strikes, Halloween GP is the ONLY place to be. Saturday 30th October KOKO 9.30pm – 3am £15 / £12.50 adv Buy Your Tickets Here:
