Meat... Lady Gaga

Halloween Fancy DressLady Gaga recently donned a dress made completely of raw meat for the annual MTV Video Music Awards. Her choice of outfit may well go down in history as the most outlandish Halloween fancy dress costume of all time. The singer of "Telephone" and "Poker Face" fame scooped up eight titles including MTV's top prize for Video of the Year with her single "Bad Romance". But the discussion of the evening didn't revolve around her meteoric rise to fame or her musical accomplishments, but rather on her choice of outfit. The dress from designer Franc Fernandez consisted entirely of slabs of raw meat and was accessorised with meat covered shows and a meat handbag. Gaga quashed initial suspicion that the costume was not really raw meat by confirming the fact in an interview with US chat show host Ellen DeGeneres. In her interview Gaga told Degeneres that her choice of costume was meant to be a political statement for the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy concerning homosexual members of the US military. Defending her outfit Gaga said, "It is a devastation to me that I know my fans who are gay ... feel like they have governmental oppression on them. That's actually why I wore the meat tonight." Unsurprisingly Gaga's choice of costume enraged P.E.T.A, vegan and vegetarian viewers across the globe. However, despite this fact the outfit is expected to be a hot Halloween fancy dress costume for 2010. At Escapade we imagine that at the end of the night a costume made of meat would end up looking like a costume from a horror film, or more specifically a Carrie Costume.
