If you're buying superhero fancy dress soon, the chances are you'll go for a baddie instead of a goodie.
How can we tell? Because villainous outfits are currently outselling their virtuous counterparts across the board, as people perhaps seek to bring out their inner rebel.
Batman fancy dress is being overshadowed by the Joker at a rate of ten per cent, while poor old Jesus is even being outsold by the Devil, with outfits for the evil one going 30 per cent faster on the Escapade website.
In fact, the only costume to make an exception to the rule is He-Man, who is outselling Skeletor at a rate of nearly 60 per cent.
Nicholas Williams from Escapade said: "People are drawn to the glamour behind villains. While the hero lives by the rules the villain is allowed unreserved free expression."
Maybe the reason why He-Man continues to be popular is down to the fact that anyone who dresses up as him gets the chance to don a luxurious blond wig for the day…