Escapade has teamed up with the Breakfast show on 104.9 XFM hosted by comedic mastermind Danny Wallace as they hunt the streets of London on a Where’s Wally inspired mission to find Fernando. Fernando (pictured) has donned our finest Spanish Matador costume and has hidden in plain sight in iconic locations across London.
If you can spot Fernando on the XFM’s Breakfast Show
facebook fan page you could win free front row tickets with their on air giveaways to Teenage Cancer Trust gigs featuring musicians & comedians of mind blowing calibre including: The Who front man Roger Daltrey, Paul McCartney, Jessie J, Example, Pulp, and a comedy night featuring some of the biggest names in British comedy.
The competition resumes on Wednesday, 28th of March so make sure you keep your eyes peeled around the streets of London for a misplaced matador sipping on tea from an XFM mug. If you've got a fancy dress party coming up then have a look at our top of the line costumes, which are all hand made and designed right here in our
London fancy dress store in Camden town.