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A man who frequently takes part in fundraising fun runs wearing fancy dress has been sacked by a charity after what they saw as an unimpressive display at the London Marathon.

Ex-footballer Lloyd Scott took part in the gruelling race in April dressed as Brian the Snail from the Magic Roundabout.

It took him a whopping 26 days and he suffered nose bleeds and vomiting, but he did raise £20,000 for Action for Children.

However, the charity was disappointed that the £100,000 he predicted he could raise had not materialised and asked him to leave.

Mr Scott has generated more than £5 million for non-profit organisations over the years and said he feels very upset.

"I don't think it has been handled in an appropriate manner. Anybody would deserve to be treated better," he commented.

Action for Children's Sally Bishop explained that the marathon attempt had actually cost several thousand pounds and so was not of benefit to its donors and the children it supports.

Mr Scott told the Daily Mail after he crossed the finish line that he didn't fancy trying the marathon in such a cumbersome costume again, but he probably didn't expect this!

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