Two people were arrested in separate incidents in the US last week after their Halloween fancy dress got them in trouble.

In Maryland, a man wearing a baby costume was apprehended for disorderly conduct after trying to get people on his street to give him candy and sweets.

The police were called after Joseph David DiVanna, 47, started cursing at passersby, but he insisted he was provoked and they were actually at fault.

Despite his protests, neighbours were upset at his trick-or-treating and he was carted off in his nappy and bib.

Meanwhile, in Nebraska, 19-year-old Matthew Nieveen ended up spending the night in a cell after being pulled over in his truck for drink driving.

When the highway patrol approached, it was discovered that he was wearing - of all things - a breathalyser fancy dress costume.

Who says Americans don't appreciate irony? Perhaps next year, he could try a comedy prison outfit for size.
