Superhero fancy dress could be ideal for people taking part in a charity event to raise money for disadvantaged kids.
Set up by Deborah Meaden from Dragon's Den, the Dragon's Den Challenge requires people to dress up in anything green to generate extra funds for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Among the participants recently were staff at Stagecoach South West in Torbay, the South Devon Herald Express reported.
They headed to work in costume and managed to raise plenty of cash from their customers.
Elliott Mizen, the Torbay operations manager, commented: "In all, more than £700 has been raised from the event."
If you intend to join in with the fundraising, you could easily pull off the dressing up part by sporting a costume from your favourite comic book.
Lots of these heroes tend to be green, with Green Lantern fancy dress and Incredible Hulk outfits potentially a good choice.