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When Smallville hit TV screens many years ago, the writers of the show claimed that the young Clark Kent would be unlike any previous incarnation of Superman's real-world alter-ego.

But, after a decade on our screens, it looks like the creators of the show have had to go back on their pledge to steer clear of caped-flight and lycra.

Last week, US fans of Smallville saw the slightly-nerdy news reporter don the classic blue and red Superman costume for the first time in ten years - in the series grand finale.

The decision to put Kent in the caped fancy dress outfit follows hot on the heels of the young news reporters introduction to wingless flight.

And Kent doesn't hang around once he's slipped on the revealing outfit - one of his first tasks as the Superman we all know and love was to save Air Force One - and the US president - from certain doom.

According to PopWatch, the Smallville writers did what they had to do by turning Clark Kent from a naive teen into a true "man of steel" and abandoning the "no flights, no tights" rule.

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